How Chapters Work

Renovate government, starting in your backyard

Big movements start small, and somewhere. Why not your backyard? 

When you join the Abundance Network, you join both a chapter and a statewide movement. We currently run a San Francisco chapter and are launching chapters in Oakland, Santa Monica, and NYC. 

Membership provides opportunities for: 

  1. Learning. Society is complex. As a movement, we’re on a shared journey to better understand the systems that govern us so we can improve them.
  2. Community. Our members share the values of humility, curiosity, and an orientation to outcomes. Fellow members are serious about making change. No civic cosplay or Slacktivism.
  3. Impact. Strategic, sustainable, quiet impact. We focus on coalition-building, and partnering with government staff (not just electeds), increasing government capacity, and driving outcomes.
Altogether, these benefits contribute to a sense of identity as an active member of democracy. 

Interested in joining the network or learning more about the Abundance Movement?