Abundant Santa Monica
The Problem:
Historically, Santa Monica has epitomized the California Dream. Great weather, beautiful beaches, a vibrant shopping and entertainment scene, and a welcoming headquarters to countless innovative California companies. A picture perfect international destination and a great place to raise a family.
Today, the picture isn’t so sunny. After forty years of anti-growth politics, we are faced with empty storefronts, declining tourism, skyrocketing housing costs, crumbling schools, and a homelessness epidemic.
Our political system of stasis and gridlock is so intractable that starting businesses and building the housing, transit, and infrastructure we need seems near impossible.
What we’re working on:
Abundant Santa Monica exists to bring about a new golden era for our City and model a way forward for our nation. One that thrives on more housing, more businesses, smarter transportation, and better living.
To do this, we must reduce barriers to starting businesses and building the infrastructure we need, lower the cost of living, and improve our government’s capacity to do more with less.
We are not a narrow special interest group seeking to score a windfall for one incumbent interest to the detriment of another. Rather, we are interested in growing the pie to provide better outcomes for all residents.
What’s next:
Our first goal is to transform the Santa Monica City Council by supporting abundance-oriented ideas and candidates who will begin the process of turning our city around. Concurrently, we are working with policy experts to build a tightly-defined roadmap for realizing our shared goals for the city.
Who we’re looking for:
We are mostly a group of working professionals invested in creating a vibrant Santa Monica. We are doers with a humble, learning mindset who are investing in Abundant Santa Monica to see real, smart change happen in our city, now. We are looking for people who share our vision and want to contribute to positive change in their community.