Humble, Curious, Outcome-Focused
Today’s politics is often loud but low-calorie. We aspire to be the opposite, taking an iterative, learning approach to our work.
We are on a multi-decade journey to re-architect how ~35% of US GDP is planned for and spent—to achieve this audacious goal, we’ll need to learn a lot!
Our Mission
The Abundance Network is organizing a new generation of civic leaders to build a 21st-century government.
Our Vision
We imagine a world where government helps solve society’s most pressing problems and supports broadly-shared prosperity.
Our Values
We are curious, humble, and outcomes-focused.
Curiosity. There are few problems we face as a society that are simple—if they were easy, they would already be fixed. We are genuinely curious to understand root causes and learn from others who have worked on these problems before us.
Humility. Hard problems are hard! Many of our assumptions will prove wrong and there will be many failures on the path to success. We maintain a constant commitment to learning from our peers, regardless of political perspective, to make progress toward building a more responsive government.
Outcomes-focus. We judge our own performance by measurable, tangible results in the quality of people’s lives. We know solutions to complex challenges come with hard tradeoffs—we embrace tradeoffs and reject “everything-bagel liberalism.”